Call for papers


13th International Conference of Research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management


RIRL 2020 Call for Papers

 The AIRL-SCM - International Association for Logistics Research and Supply Chain Management - organizes the 13th RIRL - International Research Meeting in Logistics and Supply Chain Management - that will be held on:


October 7, 8 and 9, 2020

at the ISEL (Institute of Logistics Studies), Quai Frissard

76600 - Le Havre - France


Reflecting the major transformations underway in society, the RIRL are the place for scholars to share ideas and discuss Supply Chain and Logistics by presenting re-search, experiments and projects related to the transformational dynamics and evolving scope of supply chain management.



The energy and digital transitions challenge our research practices as well as the scope of our research field. Together, they confront common knowledge on logistics as busi-ness ecosystems are reshaped with the interference of new operators. Public and pri-vate players, industries and services, competitors and complementors mesh into new arrangements within a context of stiff regional competition. While pooling, coopera-tion or platform use call for innovative governance rules and business mo-dels, previ-ously integrated supply chains promise to become increasingly decentral-lized.  SCM typically requires a bridging approach to processes that is now eased with the contri-bution of information and communication technology. An interdisciplinary or multidis-ciplinary approach to SCM is occasionally said to be suited to deal with SCM issues. But how cross-cutting and innovative is supply chain managers’ mindset? Should the bor-ders of SCM be reshaped? Logistics and supply chain management blend and assimi-late a wide range of material provided they improve SC knowledge. If so, how should the variety of materials blend? Is multidisciplinarity manageable? What sort of skills should tomorrow’s supply chain manager hold? What capabilities should firms hold in the SCM field? 


Process Integration






Please dowload the complete Call of Papers in english, here.


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